NEWS RELEASESBLUNT: CAMPAIGN FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR IS SUSPENDEDPosted: May 28, 2008 Ted Blunt, the Wilmington City Council's Democratic president, announced Friday evening, May 16, that is suspending his campaign for lieutenant governor of Delaware. # # # REED: CANDIDACY FOR INSURANCE COMMISSIONER IS OFFICIALPosted: March 6, 2008 Gene Reed Jr., an Insurance Department director of market conduct and analysis, has filed to run as a Democrat for Delaware insurance commissioner. # # # CASTLE: COLM CONNOLLY NOMINATED FOR JUDGESHIPPosted: Feb. 26, 2008 U.S. Rep. Michael N. Castle announced the nomination of U.S. Attorney Colm F. Connolly by the Bush administration to the U.S. District Court in Delaware. # # # MARKELL: CAMPAIGN BANKS $2.5 MILLION FOR GOVERNOR'S RACEPosted: Jan. 9, 2008 Jack Markell, the Democratic state treasurer running for governor, announced Wednesday that his campaign will file a record-shattering campaign finance report later this month, when it will report that almost 3,000 supporters contributed more than $1.6 million in new donations last year. # # # NED DAVIS ASSOCIATES: PATRICK ALLEN JOINS STAFFPosted: Jan. 3, 2008 The government relations firm of Ned Davis Associates has hired Patrick Allen, formerly the legislative liaison for the state Justice Department, to work on legislative and governmental affairs. # # # MINNER: FLAGS TO BE LOWERED FOR ED BENNETTPosted: Dec. 19, 2007 Gov. Ruth Ann Minner ordered the Delaware and U.S. flags to be lowered in recognition of the public service of former state Rep. Edward J. Bennett, a Dover Democrat who died Monday at the age of 70. # # # CARNEY: NEW ROUND OF LABOR ENDORSEMENTS FOR GOVERNORPosted: Dec. 6, 2007 Lt. Gov. John Carney's campaign for governor announced it has received four more labor endorsements, bringing his total backing from unions to 11 organizations. # # # FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON POLL: DELAWARE COULD DO BETTERPosted: Oct. 15, 2007 Delaware could be doing better, according to the most recent survey results from the PublicMind poll from Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey. # # # CARNEY: LABOR ENDORSEMENTS FOR GOVERNORPosted: Sept. 6, 2007 Lt. Gov. John Carney's campaign for governor announced today that it has received the early endorsement of six Delaware labor unions, representing more than 12,500 members and their families in Delaware. # # # CARPER: BROKEN FOOT REPAIRED IN SURGERYPosted: March 30, 2007 U.S. Sen. Thomas R. Carper underwent successful surgery Friday morning to insert a two-and-a-half inch long titanium screw in the fifth metatarsal bone of his right foot, which he apparently broke while running his 25th Caesar Rodney Half Marathon in Wilmington on March 11. # # # ATTORNEY GENERAL BIDEN: CHIEF OF STAFF APPOINTEDPosted: Jan. 19, 2007 Attorney General Joseph R. Biden III has appointed Jennifer D. Oliva as his chief of staff, a newly created position in the Delaware Department of Justice. # # # SENATOR BIDEN: TROOP SURGE IS WRONG FOR IRAQPosted: Dec. 26, 2006 U.S. Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Delaware Democrat who is the incoming Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair, called today for no more new troops in Iraq in advance of President Bush's upcoming speech to announce a new Iraq strategy. # # # CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION: JUDGE JORDAN IS CONFIRMEDPosted: Dec. 8, 2006 Delaware's congressional delegation praised the Senate's confirmation of U.S. District Judge Kent A. Jordan to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit by a vote of 91-0. # # # BEAU BIDEN: GEBELEIN TO BE CHIEF DEPUTYPosted: Dec. 7, 2006 Attorney General-elect Joseph R. “Beau” Biden III announced today that he will enlist Richard S. Gebelein, a former attorney general, state and international judge, and decorated National Guard veteran, as his chief deputy. # # # CALIO: ELECTION COMMISSIONER RETIRING IN JUNEPosted: Nov. 30, 2006 Frank B. Calio, the state election commissioner since January 2002, informed Gov. Ruth Ann Minner on Wednesday that he would retire at the end of June. # # # CARPER: LEADERSHIP ASSIGNMENTS IN THE NEW CONGRESSPosted: Nov. 17, 2006 U.S. Sen. Thomas R. Carper, a Delaware Democrat elected to his second term last week, will have enhanced leadership roles when his party takes over the Senate majority in the 110th Congress next year. # # # SPIVACK: CASTLE IS HIDING BEHIND HIS HEALTHReleased: Oct. 27, 2006 Dennis Spivack, Democratic candidate for U.S. Congress, today chided Rep. Mike Castle for again retreating from the campaign because of poor performances in two debates this week. # # # DAVIS FAMILY: OBITUARY FOR EDWARD R. "NED" DAVISPosted: Oct. 19, 2006 Edward R. “Ned” Davis, 78, passed away peacefully at his Dover home Thursday, Oct. 18, after a long illness. # # # MINNER: MORE KNEE SURGERY SCHEDULEDPosted: Sept. 29, 2006 Gov. Ruth Ann Minner again will undergo routine knee replacement surgery on Monday, Oct. 9, this time to replace the joint in her right knee. # # # STATE DEMOCRATS: DALTO TO RUN FOR STATE AUDITORPosted: Sept. 1, 2006 The Delaware Democrats took an important step today towards an election that promises to show their increasing clout in Delaware. They announced that Michael Dalto will be their candidate for state auditor, filling out the last open slot on the statewide ticket. # # # BIDEN: ALAN HOFFMAN RETURNS AS CHIEF OF STAFFPosted: July 26, 2006 U.S. Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. announced that Alan L. Hoffman, his chief of staff from 1998 to 2003, will return to that post, overseeing legislation, operations and personnel in the senator’s Washington and Delaware offices. # # # CASTLE: KENT JORDAN NOMINATED AS APPELLATE JUDGEPosted: June 28, 2006 As expected, the White House today transmitted the nomination of U.S. District Court Judge Kent A. Jordan of Delaware to the U.S. Senate for confirmation as the next judge on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. # # # CARPER: NEW DIRECTION NEEDED FOR IRAQPosted: June 28, 2006 Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., called on the Senate to support an amendment to the fiscal 2007 defense authorization bill calling for a “course change” in Iraq. # # # MINNER: BUSINESS POLL RANKS STATE COURTS #1 AGAINPosted: March 29, 2006 Gov. Ruth Ann Minner has announced that Delaware’s legal system has been ranked No. 1 in the nation for the fifth consecutive year, according to an annual survey released by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. # # # MINNER: HOSPITALIZED FOR KIDNEY STONEPosted: March 23, 2006 Gov. Ruth Ann Minner has been diagnosed with a kidney stone and will need to be hospitalized for the next 24 hours for observation, her physician said. # # # DELAWARE DEMOCRATS: NEW STAFFERS ARE HIREDPosted: March 14, 2006 The Delaware Democratic Party announced the hiring of three full-time staff members, more than doubling its number of employees in time for the 2006 campaign season. # # # CARPER: CONTRIBUTIONS GOING TO CHARITY BECAUSE OF ABRAMOFFPosted: Jan. 5, 2006 U.S. Sen. Thomas R. Carper issued a statement on campaign contributions he is giving to charity because of Jack Abramoff, the convicted lobbyist. # # # WALLS: DEMOCRAT ANNOUNCES IN THE 33RD REP DISTRICTPosted: Nov. 29, 2005 Democrat Robert E. (Bob) Walls announced his candidacy Saturday, Nov. 19, for the 33rd Representative District seat at a gathering with more than 150 family members and friends at his home in Milford. # # # CHAPMAN: RUNNING FOR THE 39TH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICTPosted: Nov. 17, 2005 Democrat Tom Chapman filed Monday in Dover with the Elections Department to begin his 2006 campaign for the 39th Representative District seat, which is being vacated by retiring Rep. Tina Fallon, a Republican. # # # STATE GOP: HALF OF POLITICAL DEALING IS PLEASINGPosted: Nov. 11, 2005 Terry A. Strine, chairman of the Republican State Committee of Delaware, issued the following statement following the state Senate confirmation of Attorney General M. Jane Brady to the Superior Court of Delaware. # # # GILSDORF: RUNNING FOR NEW CASTLE COUNTY COUNCILPosted: Sept. 16, 2005 Rob Gilsdorf, a former Delaware State Board of Education member and past vice president of the Appoqinimink School Board, today announced his candidacy for the 6th District New Castle County Council seat in the 2006 election. # # # STATE GOP: GOALS FOR 2006Posted: July 14, 2005 Grassroots Republican activist leaders from throughout Delaware have outlined their goals and initiated an action plan to impact elections in Delaware for the next decade. # # # DELAWARE STATE BAR ASSOCIATION: WINSLOW IS PRESIDENTPosted: July 11, 2005 The Delaware State Bar Association announces Helen L. Winslow as its 2005-2006 president. # # # BIDEN: "UNITE OUR STATES" PAC IS FORMEDPosted: June 29, 2005 WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Tuesday announced the formation of Unite Our States, a political action committee to elect candidates committed to addressing the challenges facing our country by beginning to unite “red” and “blue” states, big cities and small towns, and Americans of all walks of life. # # # DELAWARE TRIAL LAWYERS: NEW OFFICERS ARE ELECTEDPosted: June 28, 2005 The Delaware Trial Lawyers Association, at its annual convention in June, elected a new board of governors for 2005-2006. Assuming the presidency is Richard A. DiLiberto Jr. # # # BIDEN: MEMORIAL DAY TRAVEL TO MID EAST AND AFRICAPosted: May 27, 2005 U.S. Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. will travel to the Middle East and Africa over the Memorial Day weekend to observe elections in Lebanon, meet with U.S. forces and the Iraqi leadership in Baghdad, and tour refugee camps in Chad along the border of Darfur, Sudan. # # # DELAWARE GOP: NEW CASTLE COUNTY OFFICERS ARE INSTALLEDPosted: May 24, 2005 Delaware Republican Party leaders announced that Kelly Gates, a Wilmington area businesswoman, will chair the New Castle County Republican Committee, and the Rev. Dr. Christopher Bullock, pastor of Canaan Baptist Church, will be state Chair Terry A. Strine’s appointee to the committee. # # # GOP LAWMAKERS: GRANT TAX REBATESPosted: May 17, 2005 Some Republican lawmakers are calling for a tax rebate this year to offset the squeeze many Delaware families are facing from higher gasoline prices. With prices rising at the pump, Delaware families are paying out an average of $380 more this year to fill their tank. # # # CARNEY & BONINI: LT. GOV. CHALLENGE FOR "POUNDS FOR HOUNDS"Posted: Feb. 1, 2005 State Sen. Colin Bonini joined Lt. Gov. John C. Carney Jr. at the Kent County SPCA in Camden on Tuesday to kick off a “Pounds for Hounds” fund-raiser. In an effort to help the Dover Republican senator get started on his weight-loss program, the Democratic lieutenant governor enrolled him in the “Lt. Governor’s Challenge” physical activity program. # # # MINNER: APPOINTS CORDREY AND SHARP TO CABINETPosted: Jan. 13, 2005 Governor Ruth Ann Minner announced today that she will nominate two former state Senate leaders to fill vacancies in her cabinet: Richard S. Cordrey to be secretary of finance and Thomas B. Sharp to be secretary of labor. # # # DELAWARE GOP: ANTI-PAY RAISE WEB SITE SET UPPosted: Jan. 11, 2005 Republican State Committee Executive Director David A. Crossan announced today the launch of RejectTheRaise.com. # # # DISCIPLINARY COUNSEL: NEW WEB SITE IS ONLINEPosted: Jan. 7, 2005 A new Web site for the Office of Disciplinary Counsel went live on Jan. 5. It includes an online Digest of Lawyer Discipline, which can be searched by lawyer name, specific Delaware Rule of Professional Conduct, and type of sanction imposed, as well as by full-text search. # # # STONEWALL DEMOCRATS: PAC FORMEDPosted: Oct. 5, 2004 Delaware Stonewall today announced a new partisan political action committee. The Delaware Stonewall PAC will provide financial support to Democratic candidates who support equality and fairness for all, and who support the full inclusion of gays and lesbians in the life of the state. # # # LEE: "DEMOCRATS FOR LEE COALITION" IS FORMEDPosted: Sept. 30, 2004 The Bill Lee for Governor campaign unveiled the “Democrats for Lee Coalition,” chaired by long-time Democratic activist and Dover attorney, John Paradee. # # # URSOMARSO: RADIO SPOTS BEGINPosted: Sept. 23, 2004 Jim Ursomarso, Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, goes up on the air with a radio ad. # # # DENN: STATE DEMOCRATS ENDORSE IN INSURANCE RACEPosted: July 15, 2004 The Delaware Democratic Party’s Executive Committee has endorsed Matt Denn as the Democratic Party’s candidate in the September primary for the office of insurance commissioner. The endorsement came after both Denn and his Democratic primary opponent made presentations to the party’s Executive Committee on July 14. # # # CARNEY: NEW CHAIRMAN OF LT. GOVERNORS ASSOCIATIONPosted: July 12, 2004 Lt. Gov. John C. Carney Jr. became chairman of the National Lieutenant Governors Association at the organization’s annual meeting. # # # VEASEY: RETIRED CHIEF JUSTICE JOINS LEADING LAW FIRMPosted: June 1, 2004 Weil Gotshal & Manges, one of the world's leading law practices, announced that E. Norman Veasey, former chief justice of Delaware, joined the firm today as a senior partner. # # # MINNER: WOOTTEN APPOINTED KENT CLERK OF THE PEACEPosted: May 28, 2004 Governor Ruth Ann Minner announced Friday that she will appoint former county Register in Chancery Loretta Wooten of Felton to be clerk of the peace of Kent County. # # # LEE: URSOMARSO IS RUNNING MATEPosted: April 20, 2004 Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Lee has announced that Delaware native and Wilmington businessman Jim Ursomarso will be his running mate for lieutenant governor in the 2004 election. # # # COONS: RUNNING FOR NEW CASTLE COUNTY EXECUTIVEPosted: April 20, 2004 New Castle County Council President Chris Coons announced his candidacy for County Executive on Monday, sharing his vision for a county government that is grounded in ethical leadership, operational excellence, and fiscal responsibility. # # # REP. BOBBY QUILLEN: TIME TO RETIRE Posted: April 4, 2004 State Rep. George R. “Bobby” Quillen, a Harrington Republican, has announced he will not seek re-election to his 30th District seat this fall. # # # SEN. JOHN STILL: CONSTITUTIONAL BAN ON GAY MARRIAGEPosted: March 31, 2004 Dover – State Senate Minority Leader John C. Still, a Dover Republican, today introduced legislation to prohibit recognition of same sex marriages or similar legal relationships, whether originally created in Delaware or elsewhere. The measure clarifies and codifies the current Delaware Defense of Marriage Act, passed in 1996. # # # LINCOLN'S INN: HONOR FOR JUSTICE HOLLANDPosted: March 26, 2004 Justice Randy J. Holland of the Delaware Supreme Court has received a high and rare honor from a prestigious and centuries-old lawyer organization in England. He is only the third American judge to recently receive this prestigious award. # # # MINNER: THELMA MONROE TO BE CLERK OF THE PEACEPosted: March 19, 2004 Governor Ruth Ann Minner announced Friday that she had appointed Thelma Monroe of Millsboro to be clerk of the peace of Sussex County. # # # DENN: ELIMINATE INSURANCE PAPERWORKPosted: March 19, 2004 Insurance Commissioner candidate Matt Denn announced an ambitious plan today to reduce medical costs in Delaware by eliminating much of the paperwork that insurance companies require health care providers to complete in order to be paid. # # # MINNER: SAFETY SECRETARY TO RETIREPosted: March 18, 2004 Secretary of Safety and Homeland Security James L. Ford Jr. will retire effective May 1, Governor Ruth Ann Minner said Thursday. # # # CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION: FOCUS ON MILITARY BASESPosted: March 12, 2004 Senators Joe Biden, Tom Carper and Congressman Mike Castle today announced that they will lead a team of community leaders to meet with top military officials at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois about the future of Dover Air Force Base and the C-130 Air Guard Wing at New Castle Airport. # # # STATE GOP: MINNER 'HOSTILE' TO WGMD RADIOPosted: March 5, 2004 Gov. Ruth Ann Minner's political campaign referred to the area covered by radio station WGMD as “hostile turf” in an e-mail message to Minner supporters this week. # # # STATE DEMOCRATS: REPUBLICANS ARE HYPOCRITICALPosted: March 5, 2004 Delaware Democrats are considering sending a CD of Alanis Morrisette's single "Isn't it Ironic" to state Republicans following their behavior Friday. # # # CASTLE: WORKING FOR GUN SAFETYPosted: March 2, 2004 The United States Senate today adopted two gun safety bills, written by Delaware Republican Congressman Mike Castle, to extend the assault weapons ban and close the gun show loophole, as amendments to the gun liability legislation. # # # CASTAGNO: FRESH START FOR NEW CASTLE COUNTYPosted: Feb. 26, 2004 Vowing to ensure a fresh start for New Castle County government, New Castle City Council President Chris Castagno on Tuesday announced his candidacy for New Castle County Executive. # # # REP. STONE: NO RUN FOR INSURANCE COMMISSIONERPosted: Feb. 6, 2004 State Rep. Donna Stone, a Dover Republican, today put an end to speculation that she may run for the post of insurance commissioner in this fall's general election. # # # STATE GOP: WELCOME TO PRESIDENT'S SISTERPosted: Feb. 4, 2004 WILMINGTON -- Republican Party Chairman Terry A. Strine welcomed Doro Bush Koch, sister of President George W. Bush, to Delaware on Tuesday. # # # REP. TIMOTHY BOULDEN: LEAVING THE LEGISLATUREPosted: Feb. 4, 2004 State Rep. Timothy U. Boulden, a Newark Republican, will not seek re-election to his 23 rd Representative District seat. # # # READ MORE RELEASES FROM OCTOBER 2002 READ MORE RELEASES FROM NOVEMBER 2002 READ MORE RELEASES FROM DECEMBER 2002 READ MORE RELEASES FROM JANUARY 2003 READ MORE RELEASES FROM FEBRUARY 2003 READ MORE RELEASES FROM MARCH 2003 READ MORE RELEASES FROM APRIL 2003 READ MORE RELEASES FROM MAY 2003 READ MORE RELEASES FROM JUNE 2003 READ MORE RELEASES FROM JULY 2003 READ MORE RELEASES FROM AUGUST 2003 READ MORE RELEASES FROM SEPTEMBER 2003 READ MORE RELEASES FROM OCTOBER 2003 READ MORE RELEASES FROM NOVEMBER 2003 READ MORE RELEASES FROM DECEMBER 2003 READ MORE RELEASES FROM JANUARY 2004 # # # |