NEWS RELEASEDELAWARE STATE BAR ASSOCIATION: WINSLOW IS PRESIDENTPosted: July 11, 2005 The Delaware State Bar Association announces Helen L. Winslow as its 2005-2006 president. Winslow is the 58th president of the bar association and the fourth woman to be president in association history. Though her official term runs from July 1 through June 30, 2006, Winslow stepped into office in March when former President Robert B. Young became a Superior Court judge. Throughout her career, Winslow has been an active member of the bar association. She served as editor-in-chief of the bar association’s legal journal, The Delaware Law Review. She also was editor-in-chief of The Delaware Bar in the Twentieth Century and co-editor with Supreme Court Justice Randy J. Holland of the Delaware Supreme Court Golden Anniversary, both bar association publications. Before becoming president, Winslow served as president-elect, vice president, secretary and assistant secretary, as well as chair of the communications and history committees. Winslow is intellectual property law counsel to the Delaware holding company subsidiaries of VF Corporation and manages their Wilmington legal office. Formerly she was with Richards Layton & Finger. ### |