NEWS RELEASESSTATE DEMOCRATS: SUPER-DELEGATES ENDORSE OBAMAPosted: June 3, 2008 Three Delaware Democrats who are automatic delegates to the national convention endorsed Barack Obama for president. State Chair John Daniello and Vice Chair Harriet Smith Windsor, who also is the secretary of state, were uncommitted. Rhett Ruggerio, a member of the Democratic National Committee, switched to Obama from Hillary Clinton. Obama won the Democratic presidential primary held here on Super Tuesday, Feb. 5. The Delaware Democrats are sending 23 delegates to the convention this summer in Denver. With the decision of the three super-delegates, there will be 13 delegates for Obama and eight for Clinton, including Gov. Ruth Ann Minner. U.S. Sen. Joe Biden, once a candidate himself, and U.S. Sen. Tom Carper still are uncommitted. The three super-delegates announced their decision Tuesday, the last day of the primaries, and released the following statements. Daniello said: "Sen. Obama has inspired Democrats across the country over the course of this primary [season], and we saw here in Delaware that his appeal will help our candidates up and down the ballot. As a state party chairman, I know how valuable this contest has been in energizing the grassroots, and I wanted every state to be able to participate and reap the benefits of this historic race. "Now that all of the primaries and caucuses are behind us, I believe it's time for Democrats to unite in taking on John McCain, and I'm pleased to be joined by Rhett Ruggerio and Secretary Windsor in endorsing Barack Obama for president." Windsor said: "As a super-delegate from Delaware, I am representing the people of my state, where Barack Obama won our primary. Sen. Obama is an outstanding candidate who will unify the Democratic Party and be a strong candidate to beat Sen. McCain in the November election." Ruggerio said: "The Democratic Party has been blessed with two incredibly strong and extremely capable candidates. It's time, though, that we as a party unite behind our nominee and begin to focus all of our energy on the general election. Sen. Obama has proven that he has the vision, the fortitude and the character to effect real change and lead us to victory in November." # # #NEW CASTLE COUNTY DEMOCRATS: ENDORSEMENTS ANNOUNCEDPosted: May 29, 2008 The New Castle County Democratic Executive Committee has announced its endorsements for the 2008 election season. The Delaware Democratic Party consistently strives to achieve a ground-up decision-making structure, and that is how this endorsement process unfolded. Over the last few months, candidates were given the opportunity to address New Castle County's 22 Democratic representative district committees. These candidate forums were held by all districts, giving committee members a chance to raise questions or concerns about a candidate's stand on the issues. After hearing from each of the candidates, committee members decided whether or not to make an endorsement. Based on the votes from the 22 representative districts, the New Castle County Democratic Executive Committee recommended the following statewide candidates for the State Democratic Executive Committee's endorsement: U.S. Senate -- Joe Biden Governor -- John Carney Lieutenant governor -- Matt Denn Insurance Commissioner -- Gene Reed The committee also endorsed the following countywide candidates: New Castle County executive -- Chris Coons New Castle County Council president -- Paul Clark New Castle County Clerk of the Peace -- Ken Boulden # # #