NEWS RELEASELEE: "DEMOCRATS FOR LEE COALITION" IS FORMEDPosted: Sept. 30, 2004 The Bill Lee for Governor campaign unveiled the “Democrats for Lee Coalition,” chaired by long-time Democratic activist and Dover attorney, John Paradee. "Bill has a broad base of support statewide and voters of all political backgrounds have rallied around his candidacy," said Paradee. "He's dedicated to making changes on issues important to all Delawareans -- education, environment and jobs-- issues where the Minner administration has demonstrated a lack of vision and leadership.” According to Susan Reefer, campaign manager for the Bill Lee campaign, Lee has had success in going after some traditionally Democratic voters, including union households, long thought to be Democratic strongholds. "We have seen that many Democrats are willing to cross party lines in this election year. The recent endorsement of the Correctional Officers Association of Delaware is just one example," Reefer said. Bill Lee was pleased by John Paradee's willingness to stand and be counted in this year's often heated governor's race. "John is a good man and a good friend. But he has always been a tried and true Democrat, just like I've always been a tried and true Republican. I was genuinely touched when he told me he wanted to stand by my side and publicly head up our Democrats for Bill Lee effort." John Paradee said although he is working with a Republican, he has no plans to switch parties. "I've always been proud to be a Democrat, and I still am. I am proud of the Democratic Party and all that it represents. The party hasn't failed. But Gov. Minner has consistently taken a short-sighted approach to the issues which matter most to all Delawareans, whether Democrat, Republican, or independent. "Democrats helped elect Gov. Minner in 2000 and they are going to help defeat her in 2004," he said. ### |