Posted: June 11, 2007 GUEST COLUMNS: DECRIMINALIZING TRAFFIC STOPSThe Delaware General Assembly is considering legislation that would reclassify most traffic stops by changing them from criminal offenses to civil infractions. It was introduced as House Bill 158 last month by state Rep. Robert J. Valihura Jr., a Brandywine Hundred Republican. Attorney General Joseph R. "Beau" Biden III, a Democrat, spoke in favor of the bill during a speech last month as a way to lessen the criminal caseload overburdening prosecutors and and the Court of Common Pleas. In guest columns Brian F. Dolan, a lawyer from Milton and 2004 Democratic legislative candidate, warns there are pitfalls in the legislation, and Paul R. Wallace, the chief prosecutor for New Castle County, responds for the state Justice Department. Click on the links to read the columns. READ DOLAN'S COLUMN READ WALLACE'S COLUMN
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