Posted: Nov. 8, 2016 DELAWARE IS WITH HERBy Celia Cohen One county, two counties, blue county, red counties. Delaware went for president on Election Day in a predictable way. New Castle County, the biggest and bluest of them all, took the lead in delivering the state's three electoral votes to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, even as she was losing the presidential race. The election returns in Kent County and Sussex County came in Republican red, but no matter. The two lower counties did not have the political firepower to keep Trump from getting thumped. One county, two counties, blue county, red counties. How fitting the voting in the state could be explained like something out of childhood, because this election was as nonsensical as anything Dr. Seuss could think up, or even more so, like Dr. Seuss gone through the looking glass. There was that cat in the Make-America-Great-Again hat. A Mad Hatter cat or something like that. I do not like you, Hillary-you-are I think you are crooked You need feathers and tar
Oh, yeh? Clinton said, and she gave a fist-pump Everyone knows I should really whump Trump He didn't pay taxes. He hasn't a clue But the emails are stickier Than the stickiest glue If the presidential race was like a bad hallucination, the statewide races were maybe the most boring story ever told. John Carney won. So did Lisa Blunt Rochester. Ditto for Bethany Hall-Long. Also Trini Navarro.
It made for a blue sweep for governor, congresswoman, lieutenant governor and insurance commissioner. Delaware is not called one of the most Democratic states in the nation for nothing. Funny thing about Carney. For Delawareans inclined to vote Democratic, they had to go three deep on their ballot to get to him to finally vote for a man. Carney sat on the Democratic slate after Clinton and after Rochester. After him came Hall-Long, so it was back to a woman again, three out of four of the showcase races. Delaware was with her and her and her. Rochester saved the state from going down in political infamy. If not for Rochester, the electorate here would have voted for a woman for president before it voted for a woman for the Congress. It was beyond anything Rochester could do that Delaware already did vote for an African-American candidate for president -- twice! -- before it voted for an African-American candidate for congresswoman, but at least she is joining the state's federal delegation now. Rochester's election got Delaware off the list of states that never voted a woman into either the Senate or the House of Representatives. That roster has dwindled to Vermont and Mississippi. Vermont has been kind of a sister state. Delaware and Vermont are both little states with a history of keeping their two senators and their lone representative in office for a long, long time, so the openings are scarce. But Mississippi! Better that Vermont and not Delaware should have to fight it out with Mississippi not to be the very last holdout. Mississippi was already the last state to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment, granting women the right to vote. Although women's suffrage became the law of the land in 1920, Mississippi did not get around to ratification until 1984. Mississippi has issues. ### |